
Membership Category

We add value to your Organization!

The number of members is unlimited.

Any company can be a Member, regardless of its nationality, size and sector of activity and people who share the spirit of AmCham.



Ambassador of Portugal to the United States of America, Ambassador of the United States of America to Portugal, Economic Counselor of the United States of America to Portugal, Consul General of the United States of America to Portugal and Consular Representative of the United States of America to any city in the Mainland and the Autonomous Regions of the Azores and Madeira where the Chamber installs its Services, and also the persons or entities that, for their outstanding services to the Chamber, to the economy of the two countries, or to the economic approximation between them, deserve this distinction that will be conferred upon them by approval at the General Assembly, on the proposal of the Board. They are exempt from payment of the fee and quota and without the right to vote;


All persons, natural or legal, who contribute to the Chamber with a donation to be defined at the General Assembly, on the proposal of the Board.

There are three categories of Sponsoring Members: Silver; Gold and Platinum.

Benefits of Sponsoring Members:


All members registered in the honor book of this Chamber of Commerce;


Individuals or legal entities, who directly or indirectly participate in the Portuguese-American economic exchange, or who wish to collaborate in it, provided that they pay the quota in the amount defined by the General Assembly.


