

President of the Board, António Martins da Costa

AmCham is a historic and prestigious institution in the relationship between the USA and Portugal.

In this new mandate, it is an obligation to develop and incorporate new projects that aim to be innovative ventures. These projects should serve as working models from both countries, reflecting the global transformations taking place.

In this sense, the Board – now extended to new sectors – presented itself with an Action Plan based on the following pillars:

– Establish AmCham as a reference organization for companies, institutions, Americans and personalities, who want to position themselves in the markets of Portugal and the USA.

– Address the issues that currently most impact the business world, through Specialized Committees:

  • Technology and inovation
  • A.I., Data and Cybersecurity
  • Energy Transition
  • ESG
  • Education and R&D
  • Health and Biotechnology
  • Tourism and Leisure
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

– Consolidate AmCham as a key partner of institutions that promote cooperation between the two countries, namely the US Embassy in Portugal and FLAD.

– Collaborate with other external entities, especially AICEP, Business Associations, Universities and R&D Centers, as well as other Chambers of Commerce and NGOs.

– Adapt AmCham’s internal structure to the provision of a service that is recognized for its added value, associated with the holding of current events, of general or specific interest, a wider presence at the level of sectors and regions and an effective communication strategy .

We would like all Associates to feel that AmCham is an organization that serves them and in which they see themselves, whether in terms of facilitating institutional relationships and networking, acquiring or exchanging know-how, or creating new business opportunities.

Antonio Martins da Costa
