AmCham Europe Position: Data Act
We share AmCham Europe’s position on the Data Act.
Data Act
Creating a dynamic, data-driven economy is the cornerstone of our digital transition. In this context, the Commission’s proposed Data Act provides the unique opportunity to harness the power of data transfers to build a more competitive European economy.
However, as the regulatory landscape for data grows increasingly complex, it is essential that legislators work together to develop common and realistic approaches. For the Data Act to succeed, the EU must ensure that international data flows are protected and encouraged. It should also promote greater voluntary data sharing, clarify the scope of non-personal data and recognise the existing and successful industry-led data collaboration initiatives.
The Commission should be sure to craft regulation that builds both consumer and industry trust, favouring clear implementing requirements over burdensome complexity. Free flowing data is the key to our digital transition. By working together, across the public and private sectors and across borders, we can unlock the potential of Europe’s data driven economy.
Learn more about this issue reading our position on the Data Act and watching our video, in which Jeremy Rollinson (Microsoft), issue lead on the Data Act at AmCham EU, summarises the main points of our paper.
Read the position HERE